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·Modern ports of images for the Sixtieth Anniversary of People's Republic of China to celebration  ·Egyptian women's charming grace  ·Millennium ancient castle: Shujiatang Castle of Fenghuang old city, Hunan Province  ·Mount Fuji:the nearly perfectly shaped volcano  ·New York Metropolitan Museum of Chinese cultural relics  ·Canberra: Australia's federal capital  ·Nature's gift:Sanya  ·Beating between light and shadow of the wizard: Chinese Shadow Art  ·The charming fading water lily  ·Fuzhou Xichansi Temple: one of the five major Buddhist Temple in Fujian Province  ·Old photos: postcards, Dalian  ·Morning of the World: Bali, one of Asia's gems  ·Panjin Wetland, the heaven for Aves  ·Lu Xun Museum: China's first  ·Xiamen City landscape, Fujing Province  
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